With so many companies operating with virtual assistants, telecommuting workers, and out of town personnel and sales reps on their staff, getting everyone together for a traditional holiday office celebration can be quite challenging. But there is a solution! Host a virtual holiday office party!
How It Works
Just as you must plan a traditional office party, a virtual holiday party must also have a plan. Begin by designating a date and time for the party, as well as the format of the virtual party. Formats may include webcasts, using software like Skype, conference calls, net meetings, or webinars.
Next, a guest list and an agenda of activities or events should be created. Because it is virtual party, you must use a little more creativity when planning the to-do list. Ideas that other companies have used and shared include things like:
A "Secret Santa" Auction, where everyone is given a set amount of pretend "funds" to bid with. Gifts may be virtual, gift cards, or something that can be shipped to the winner!
Photo Decorating Contest, where a festive photo is uploaded and each participant is given the chance to decorate it using photo editing software.
Finish My Sentence Game, where a sentence is given and each person is to finish it creatively. A fun holiday example is "I took my pet elf and went to the store to buy _____"!
Tradition or Memory Sharing is also a great way to get people involved. Each person takes turns sharing their favorite holiday tradition or memory.
Christmas Karaoke is another fun way to get silly or show off hidden talent, all while singing favorite holiday carols and songs!Once you have all your planning complete, simply send out invitations via email and wait for the RSVP's to come rolling in!
While you do lose the face to face interaction that often comes with a traditional holiday get- together, there are some great advantages of going virtual with your holiday celebration. For starters, virtual parties are a lot less expensive. There is no rental fee for a venue, no food or drinks to buy, and no travel expenses required for bringing everyone together. The money that is saved from going virtual with a company holiday party is often used to give employees a year end bonus or Christmas gift that might otherwise be out of the budget.
Additionally, virtual parties can be attended wearing whatever you want! No longer will you and your employees have to spend hours locating an outfit and getting yourself ready for the event. Pajamas, jeans, or whatever is comfy is just fine for a virtual holiday party! Finally, virtual parties are a lot more convenient, and typically have better attendance than a traditional party. People who are out of town can join, those with small children won't need a sitter, and the pressure is low, as people can more easily come and leave as their schedule allows.